March 2025 Leader Letter

Beyond the Guestbook

Transform your club's potential into lasting growth

By Kiki Jones

Illustration of three people with comments and questions above their heads

Every Toastmaster has experienced that moment: A guest walks into your club meeting, eyes bright with interest but tinged with uncertainty. They're seeking something—better presentation skills, greater confidence, or perhaps a supportive community. As a club or District leader, you recognize that spark; it’s the same one that brought you to Toastmasters. And now you have the privilege of helping guests discover their own path to growth.

Insights show that guests may not become members for various reasons—some lack initial confidence, others aren't sure how Toastmasters fits their goals, and many have scheduling constraints. However, as International President Radhi Spear, DTM, reminds us, building membership happens through "small, steady steps." Here's how to create a comprehensive approach to membership growth:

  1. Understand and address your guests' motivations. Take time during meetings to learn why guests attended and show them how your club can help achieve their goals. As Bill Brown, DTM, suggests, simply asking guests to share what brought them there that day can provide valuable insights for personalizing your follow-up.
  2. Maintain consistent, meaningful contact. Use all available tools to stay connected with prospective members. Use email to send personalized follow-up messages that address their specific interests and concerns. Use the Prospective Member Management (PMM) page to keep track of contacts and communicate prospective members’ progress in joining with other club officers. Significantly, since the launch of the PMM page in November 2024, there has been a 60% increase in the conversion rate to members compared to the same period a year prior—a consistent organization system helps!
  3. Create an engaging club environment. Ensure your meetings are dynamic and participatory. Consider involving guests in Table Topics® (when they're comfortable), showcasing diverse Pathways projects, and maintaining a well-organized meeting structure. A vibrant, supportive atmosphere naturally attracts and retains members.

The key to sustainable growth isn't just in the tools you use; it's in how you combine them with genuine human connection. By understanding each guest’s needs, maintaining thoughtful follow-up, and creating an engaging club environment, you can build a thriving, dynamic club that will make your club a place where people not only want to visit, but are excited to join and stay.

Additional Resources:

Build Membership With Small, Steady Steps

Cost-Effective Marketing Techniques

Turning Guests Into Members